Tuesday, 22 March 2011

First Blog EVER!!! Motivation!!

Okay, so I have decided to start blogging.  Why? Well, I like to talk, and some people have told me that I have a lot to say lol.  I guess I do, but whether or not it's anything of any substance....well...we will see =)

I ramble a lot.  Seriously I do.  It's almost as if my mouth is moving faster then my brain.  Most times I forget where I was heading with my comment and slowly taper off and yeah, it's weird.

So, most people know me from Village on a Diet.  I have to say most because my Facebook has gone from 280 to almost 550 and Twitter from 70 - 300!!!  It's crazy and I really do appreciate all the support. I love hearing from everyone, but I find it so hard to write everyone back.  That's another reason why I've decided to start blogging.  Hopefully I will be able to answer questions and give support to those who need it.

This week (even though it's only Tuesday), I've been thinking a lot about motivation.  Motivation is such an important word when it comes to wanting to change your life.  A lot of people have a hard time to stay motivated.  Before Village on a Diet started filming, I had lost 20 lbs in 5 months.  My Motivation? Wanting to get a head start because I had a lot of weight to lose.  My mom was the one who gave me the thought to start early actually.  She said "James, you've got a long way to go, and starting early isn't going to hurt anything." She was right.  Because for me, it wasn't about a TV show, it was about getting the help I needed to change my life and ultimately, save it.

After the show started filming, my next form of motivation was my wedding.  My dress didn't fit, and I needed it to fit.  I worked hard and threw all my excuses out the window.  I can honestly say before Village on a Diet came, I didn't think I had so many issues with myself.  I was always blaming everyone else for why I wasn't happy.  It didn't occur to me that I didn't know how to be happy with just me.  I actually had a lot of hatred for myself. 

So after my wedding, what was there left to be my motivation? Well, I started making some realistic goals to keep me going.  First one? I wanted to get out of the 200's.  To get there, I was working out 6 days a week.  Running the golf course, and timing myself, keeping track of my calories.  All these little things would make me feel good if I had done better then I had the previous time.  Sounds silly, but kept me from thinking about my long term goal and feeling disappointment if I wasn't reaching it as quickly as I felt I should be. 

Wow, this blog is turning into a novel!! Is there a standard length?? lol okay, well I'm almost done.

So, as most of you know I am now pregnant with our second child. I guess my motivation now would be making sure I have a healthy pregnancy.  But I don't really feel like that is motivation.  I enjoy my healthy lifestyle now.  I enjoy doing things that I was unable to find the joy in before.  I enjoy not being held back by my own self doubt and lack of confidence.  I enjoy not caring what other people think when they look at me because I know who I am and I am proud of it.  Most of all, I enjoy being the wife I always wanted to be, and the Mom I always knew I could be. We all have it in us to be the person we want.  If you are looking for your own motivation, sit down and really think about it.  Write down on a piece of paper what you want out of life.  Short term goals, long term goals and anything that you always wanted to do but never thought you could.  Look at that list and know that it is all within your reach.  Small steps and changes will get you to where you want to be.  Sometimes, you just need to look at the world a little different.